Not really; I haven't blogged since Friday which sucks although I have several ideas marinating upstairs.
I haven't posted any outfit pics since Monday of last week even though Roomie K has her super awesome camera now. I've taken the pics, I just haven't followed through.
I haven't started the King canon choosing instead to read trash.
I haven't started viewing the AFI list choosing instead to watch "Are Aliens Real" or something on the History channel. It was fascinating and preposterous all at the same time.
I did make a freaking awesome bowl the other day- but that's not on the list.
I did have a fabulous, spontaneous weekend- but that's not on the list.
I did finish two - count them two! - novels this weekend - and that IS on the list. So yay....
I finally finished Martin's Feast of Crows Sunday. I woke up around 6:30 and read all day. I finally hit that point where I was so captivated by the novel that I couldn't drag myself away. Having to take a break and start getting ready to go to graduation was torture...but graduation was fun... Anyways, I'm not yet ready to talk about the ending of that novel just yet, but I DO want to talk about Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin.
Ya'll know I can't see a movie without reading the novel first, so I started SB last night around 8 and finished it around 11 leaving lots of other work woefully ignored and unattended in the corner. It felt great.
However, I did not feel so great when I finally put that little gem aside. I was expecting a light summer read where the slightly unattractive, Sex and the City wannabe, small town girl who moved to the big city learns something about her self and finds love in about 300 pages normal storyline. That is NOT what I got at all.
For starters, there's not a likeable character in the whole damn novel. And I want a character I can support if I'm reading summer trash. It's okay for Finny and Gene to be jerks because that's literature...there's a difference. I think from now on I'll call this the Bella Swan effect....oh how she grates.
Anyways, the protagonist is a horrible friend, horrible. And granted her BF is no nice lady but the protag just uses her friend's bad behavior as justification for her own. There's a lot of double dealing and several people cheat on several other people throughout the course of the novel. Honestly, it turned my stomach just a little. I'm all for an anti-hero; I actually really like that particular story arc but this woman's only defense for sleeping with her BF's fiance and eventually driving the two of them apart about a week before their wedding is something along the lines of well, she was mean to me when we were small. And she lies a lot. WTH?
I don't think there is any justification for cheating for either party no matter the circumstances. And I resent that the novel tries its hardest to make it seem like the protag was justified, that because she was a slightly unattractive, Sex and the City wannabe, small town girl who moved to the big city wanting to learn something about her self and find love that it's ok to do whatever it takes to get whatever she wants. It really paints women in a bad light. She's trying to be an uber successful business woman but at her core she won't be (and isn't) truly happy until she has the perfect man. It doesn't matter that he's with someone else. And whines about being the giver in her relationship with her BF as she takes, takes, takes.
At the end of the novel, only she is happy, and she seems ok with that. All of her friends are upset and hurting, trying to put pieces back together again, but she's with a guy who is clearly thinking about the fiance he left instead of her. And...she's happy. I just wanted to yell at her that yeah, he's a reeeeaaaalll keeper...but I think, if she were real, she'd be too selfish to honestly care...
Oh well, 50 more to go and they can't all be as bad as this one, right? I'll probably never read another Emily Giffin again. Sorry lady, you won't be getting my 8 bucks ever.... :P That'll show her.