Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Thus, with a kiss,

I die..

God, how I love Romeo and Juliet. Two of my classes are watching the 1999 version. And at the risk of being a little racist, I love watching this movie with my ghetto freshmen. They really get into the movie...I mean, they REALLY get into it. As Romeo is drinking from his poison flask, they start mumbling. As Juliet begins waking up, they begin to gasp. As she looks over to him and smiles as he swallows, they start yelling.

"Slap that man!" "Don't drink that!" "She's awake; look at her!!" "Ohmygodwhyisn'tshesayinganything?StopsmilingandSTOPhim!"

I love it. Such excitement for something they never thought they would've liked. After the movie is over, they're all geared up to start talking about the tragedy of it all. One little girl was all misted up. "It was just so pretty and so senseless." Which is a perfect lead in to the Blame Game. I also love Blame Game day. Their reasonings and logic just amazes sometimes in their astuteness.

Now, my other two classes are creating mash-ups. One group is placing Zaroff from The Most Dangerous Game in a high school setting with Melinda from Speak. Craziness shall ensue, I'm sure.

On to the goals:
These are the last two goals I have to talk about before my birthday.

Size 8: No woman is ever truly happy with her appearance and I, I am a woman.  One of my volleyball players called me 'thick' last night and as I drowned my sorrows in chicken casserole (two helpings...) I vowed that I WILL BE SKINNY! I think my goal of running in a half marathon will be a great help in that. I was running 8 miles a day and I was teeny tiny...I also got to eat whole pizzas by myself. There's a really fat girl slowly starving inside of me... I have to get on the ball more late night Sonic runs with the roomies. I'll miss you dumb, dumb sonic teller. Not much though as you are very, very dumb.

Bon Jovi tomorrow night!!

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