Man, I have no tolerance for tears...of any sort. My honest first reaction when someone starts crying is to roll my eyes and walk away...I can't handle it. I'm not really sure why... but tears definitely set me off. I do have a heart and I honestly care about and for people - I just hate a crier. And a Cryer...but that's a different story...and only if he's old...Everyone loves Duckie..
So to my surprise in 5th period I found myself hugging a child who was crying-CRYING- because her EOC score was advanced. We have worked so hard this year on grammar and sentence structure and all of that hard work paid off in spades. She rocked that test so freaking hard...actually they all did. I'm so very proud of them. But I'm so proud of her...I really feel like I did something commendable with her. I TAUGHT her stuff and she LEARNED it. That's huge. Teaching is very often about delayed gratification. We sow our little lessons about EVERYTHING like little seeds and who knows when those seeds will begin to germinate and then bloom? Sometimes we may never know if anything actually took hold. I mean some days I feel like I'm just throwing ideas packed in double sided tape at the kids praying that something will stick to someone. But I saw this girl's blooming moment. And it was neat, people. It was so neat.
Neat enough that I told a friend my english class was brought to the students by the letters B and A...because I am one bad ass teacher. Watch tomorrow be awful.
Started my carrot idea from yesterday today. It worked so so well!! And because of that carrot idea my camera is at school so I'll have to post outfit photos tomorrow.
**I'm about halfway done with Feast of Crows. I'm counting it as one of my nonKing nonAFI novels. I'm going to be so sad when it is over. Still no 'EEEEEEE' moment for Martin."
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