You know, I would apologize for not blogging over the weekend, but I’m not all that sorry. My weekend was awesome. I’m awesome. You’re awesome! <- see the exclamation mark there?
So, moving on... I’m going to cram two posts into one today as I proctor this EOC. That’s fodder for a nice long rant on its own.
First, I love my roomies so very much. I also love our intervention wall...yes, yes, I know. I also love taking pictures, but with the pressures of teaching, coaching and a general lassitude about life lately, I haven’t taken very many in a long time. That’ll change soon. Especially if Roomie K buys that super awesome camera, and she agrees to let me use it. Smiles!
Second and on to the meat of the post: You guys don’t know how much I adore the King. Come to think of it, I love all Kings: Elvis, LeBron, all 800 million King Henry’s, Simba, Tut. Heck, I used to even LIKE the Sacramento Kings. No, not really. They’ve always sucked.
However, my equal parts intense adoration and intense hatred for the one and the only Stephen King have no comparison. Seriously, I love that man. The Stand literally changed my life. I’m no Robin. When I say literally, I mean literally. I read The Stand, got a summer cold, lived in fear for about two days. His books have consistently changed the way I view the world and the people in the world. If that’s hokey or sentimental, I’m probably not going to apologize for it either...
I hate him too. It’s a very up and down relationship that we share. Katy Perry would love us; we could be her muse for more teeny-bopper crap. He infuriates me sometimes. The ending of The Dark Tower series was not worth the buildup. I honestly don’t think that Roland EARNED that horn at the end. What did he do but suffer some EEEEE’s and shoot snitches out of the sky? Really? And King, you made yourself a character in your own FICTIONAL book....what the hell, man? I don’t know how many times I just stopped after Wizard and Glass because that little lit device turned my stomach. And then, you give us amazing wonderful greatness like The Talisman or The Green Mile intermixed with Dreamcatcher. What are you doing?? C’mon... The peaks of your writing are amazing. I want to Peter a tent on those peaks. But the valleys are oh, so low...honestly, the only comparison I can make is to Mercerism. (And if you can guess what either of those two allusions are referencing, I’ll give you a cookie.)
All that to say, for the past few years it has been my intention to collect and read all of King’s canon. I’m ashamed to realize that while I own several of his works, I have not read as much as I thought I had. I’m woefully behind. I’m even more ashamed to realize that most of what I’ve read the general populace has read as well. I’m woefully embarrassed.
Gotta do something about that. So here’s the list. I’ve bolded the ones I’ve read and starred the ones that I am most excited about. I might start this one a few days early if I can finish Storm of Swords and Feast of Crows in the next few days.
- Carrie
- Salem’s Lot
- The Shining
- Rage
- Night Shift
- The Stand
- The Long Walk
- The Dead Zone
- Firestarter
- Roadwork
- Danse Macabe
- Cujo
- The Running Man
- TDT: The Gunslinger
- Creepshow
- Different Seasons
- Christine
- Pet Sematary
- Cycle of the Werewolf
- The Talisman
- Thinner
- Skeleton Crew
- The Bachman Books
- It
- The Eye of the Dragon
- TDTII: The Drawing of the Three (I’m with Kevin here: legs are a necessity for any quest.)
- Misery
- The Tommyknockers
- Nightmares in the Sky
- The Stand: The Complete and Uncut Edition
- Four Past Midnight
- TDTIII: The Waste Lands
- Needful Things
- Gerald’s Game
- Dolores Claiborne
- Nightmares and Dreamscapes
- Insomnia
- Rose Madder
- The Green Mile
- Desperation
- The Regulators
- TDTIV: Wizard and Glass
- Bag of Bones
- The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon
- Hearts in Atlantis
- On Writing
- Secret Windows
- Dreamcatcher
- Black House
- Everything’s Eventual
- From a Buick 8
- TDT: The Gunslinger: Revised and Expanded Edition
- TDTV: Wolves of the Calla
- TDTVI: Song of Susannah
- TDTVII: The Dark Tower
- Faithful
- The Colorado Kid
- Cell
- Lisey’s Story
- Blaze
- Duma KEy
- Just After Sunset
- Under the Dome
- Blockade Billy
- Full Dark, No Stars
- 11/22/63
- TDT: The Wind Through the Keyhole
18 days until 25; 17 days until BON freaking JOVI! (He will talk to me...)
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